Downstream Commercial & Retail Consulting

In today’s world your fuels and convenience business is rapidly changing into a holistic mobility business with a true integrated customer offer. In the future this will include current & next generation fuels, EV charging, B2B fleet management, convenience, and mobility solutions. Petrogenium can help you review your current business, lead a strategic review that creates a future fit business but also help you implement the new approach by building inhouse capabilities and help the change management process.

Koeno Siemons

Practice Lead Downstream Commercial & Retail

In order to win in your industry & geography it is key to understand what will be a winning and competitively distinctive customer offer. This will also include a clear, focused and measurable delivery model that is cost efficient and realistic.

Strategic choices will make the difference for you and your people and Petrogenium can lead and guide you through this process based on international experience and with people who come from the business.

Our Services Cover 3 Basic Areas:

Strategy Review

  • How to analyze your business (Customer offer and delivery model)
  • Visualize the competitive landscape
  • Strategic positioning
  • Opportunity management

Create a Winning Offer

  • Opportunity management into options
  • Participation strategy, where to play
  • Competitive approach, how to play
  • Detailed competitive customer offer


Implementation & Delivery Model

  • What is needed to deliver in the market
  • Capability identification & building
  • Define efficient implementation model
  • Performance management & roadmap
  • Change management