Organisation & People Management Consulting
You know that your technical assets are important and you are trying to look after and improve them. But what about your other assets? Your technical people, their development and the way they are organised? Petrogenium’s aim is for our customers to get the most out of their assets, not only now but in the long term – and that includes your people!

Gary Hays
Practice Lead Organisation & People
Our network is extremely experienced in dealing with national and international technological organisations, full of engineers and scientists. We can deliver and support the full range of People Processes tailored for manufacturing and chemical plants and companies.
6 Pillars of Organisation & People
Your People – Their Talent
Are you managing your talent to the same extent as you are managing your technical assets?
- Talent assessment
- Talent management e.g. introduction of processes to identify, manage & develop talent
- High potentials e.g. identification & development
- Young professionals programmes e.g. first 2-3 years in the company
- Skillpool management, Communities of Practice & Job Families
- Resourcing e.g. processes for resourcing an organisation internally or externally
Your People – Their Culture
How do you want your organisation to develop and display the behaviours that will support your technological improvements?
- Organisational culture e.g. measurement, understanding, development, change
- Employee engagement, Inclusion & diversity e.g. surveys, building, actions, motivation
- Values
- Organisational development e.g. organisational effectiveness especially in periods of change
- Matrix working, Team working, Remote working/teams e.g. multiple reporting relationships, influencing across boundaries
- Technical competence framework development e.g. what should engineers know?
- Training needs analysis
- Technical training; Technologist courses & Operator courses e.g. a suite of technical training courses in Performance Improvement, QHHSE & Sustainability and Process Technology are available from Petrogenium. Academy
- Soft skills development
- Corporate Universities
Your People – Their Organisation
What people do you have, should you have and how should they be organised, now and in the future?
- Manpower planning
- Organisational design e.g. manufacturing sites, R&D organisations
- People Strategy (to support the business strategy)
- Benchmarking e.g. talent systems, manpower numbers, industry benchmarks, action planning
- Shared service centres
Your People – Their Support
Do you have the appropriate HR processes in place to support and get the best out of your people?
- HR Audits e.g. healthcheck of people processes & policies versus industry/international benchmarks
- Performance management e.g. processes and skills
- Rewards & recognition e.g. financial and non-financial reward
- Job evaluation e.g. job profiles for technological/engineering companies where knowledge grows with experience
- HR staff development e.g. supporting HR professionals and teams develop their skills
Your People – Their Leadership
How are you developing your leadership and enabling your workforce to manage change?
- Leadership assessment
- Leadership development e.g. from executive coaching to development trajectories
- Executive coaching & mentoring e.g. CEO, EVP, VP, Site Managers, Chief Engineers, Plant Managers, Directors, Leadership teams to young ‘talent’
- Change management e.g. change processes, reorganisations, mission/vision/values
- Soft skills development e.g. introduction of coaching skills in leaders, change skills, feedback, communication, team building, managing across boundaries, dilemma resolution