Dave Holthaus

Principal Consultant

Dave Holthaus has over 50 years of experience in NDE/QA/QC/QE, in the Petro-Chemical, Oil & Gas, Aviation, and Automotive Industries, as well as Nuclear and Fossil Fuel Power Generation. Subject Matter Expert in NDE with extensive knowledge and expertise During his career, his initial responsibilities were to perform VT, PT, MT, RT, & UT examinations. Later his responsibilities were focused on NDE certification program development, NDE procedure development/reviews, as well as the performance of Monitoring, Auditing, Independent Review and Assessment of Quality Programs. Developed NDE procedures and conducted NDE training courses in Ultrasonic, Radiography, Magnetic Particle, Penetrant, and Visual examination methods for numerous clients. Conducted countless surveillances and monitored activities in a timely manner to assist and to report on the overall effectiveness of the Quality Assurance Programs. Initiated, analyzed, recommended, and provided solutions for quality related problems. The main focus for the past 14 years was to conduct Proficiency Qualification Demonstrations of Advanced Ultrasonic Procedures and Ultrasonic Examiners, for API and ASME Code Compliance.