Himanshu Joshi

Principal Consultant

Himanshu spent 33 years working in the field of heat exchangers and fouling for two major oil companies. At ExxonMobil besides the routine heat exchanger responsibilities, he was the SME for their Energy Management program and for heat exchanger fouling. He was part of the team which developed a fouling deposit analysis protocol that resulted in two patents. He has written a book chapter on this subject.

At Shell he was the SME for fouling and heat transfer technology (enhanced heat transfer). As part of the fouling work, he designed and led a program to test fouling at a pilot-plant scale, resulting in the development of a fouling predictive method unique in the refining industry. He spent several years in overseas offices (Malaysia, India, Canada) training and mentoring new recruits and building the capabilities in the heat transfer discipline. In the technology area he has worked on major R&D projects to develop new cooling techniques for LNG facilities and to develop heat exchanger monitoring techniques.

He is intimately familiar with all aspects (design, troubleshooting, reliability, maintenance) of oil & gas heat exchangers, in all business segments. He has had two assignments at operating plants, and has served on API Standards committees, on the HTRI (Heat Transfer Research Inc.) Technical Committee, and on a couple of HTRI task forces. With both employers he developed and taught training classes related to heat exchanger design, troubleshooting, and fouling.