Day 1
Caustic treating principles
Caustic treating for H2S removal and prewash
Amine H2S extraction of LPG fractions:
- Importance of pretreatment
- Reduction of caustic consumption
- Main operation point
Mercaptan extraction from LPG fractions:
- MEROX® process
- THIOLEX® process
Mercaptan extraction from condensate fractions
Exercise on understanding
Day 2
Mercaptan extraction from light gasoline fractions
Equipment Review for extraction of RSH
Required analysis and schedule
Troubleshooting operational problems
Mercaptan sweetening of normal gasoline fractions:
- Traditional sweetening process
- Minalk® process
- Mericat® process
- Caustic free process
Required analysis and schedule
Troubleshooting operational problems
Exercise on understanding
Day 3
RSH sweetening of Kerosine fractions
- Traditional UOP fixed bed process
- Modern UOP fixed bed process
- Mericat J® process
- Caustic free process
Required analysis and schedule
Troubleshooting operational problems
Exercise on understanding
Minimizing caustic disposal
Caustic neutralization and oxidation