Creating and Updating a Field Development Plan Execution Strategy Course

Consultant/Trainer: Laurent Spring

The Petrogenium Field Development Plan Execution Strategy course will offer practical guidance to participants on how to create and update this business-critical document. Too often, Oil & Gas companies undertake FDP studies under a stage gate process, starting typically in the ASSESS Stage, where the technical team has the task to develop a full life-cycle development plan whilst carving out a smaller project scope for start-up. Often, this results in an FDP document that is very long on subsurface descriptions and very short on full life-cycle field development logic and sectionalization. This approach dissociates FDP studies from Projects by approving the FDP execution strategy prior to initiating projects.


This Petrogenium course focuses on senior individuals with a minimum of 10 years experience in their discipline, managing capital projects and FDP studies. Another key target audience are individuals in project governance roles, whether they represent the operator, joint-venturers, or government regulatory and oversight bodies. This course will greatly deepen their understanding of the essential elements required to successfully deliver and approve the first FDP execution strategy, and how to update and approve it after the field has been on production when major departures require taking stock before approving the next project.

Learning Objectives

  • The purpose and limitations of the Field Development Plan execution strategy
  • The use of the Field Development Planning System (FDPS) to develop the overall hydrocarbons strategies, deriving an optimum field plateau production, creating a full life-cycle field
  • How to sectionalise the full life-cycle hydrocarbons maturation plan into a series of discrete capital projects
  • How to conduct the assurance review for a greenfield and a brownfield FDP execution strategy
  • Introductions
  • Purpose of a Field Development Plan Execution strategy
  • Limitations and pitfalls
  • Field Development Planning systems – definition and workflow
  • Defining the stream-by-stream and utilities strategies
  • Defining the development mechanisms for each reservoir and switching criteria
  • Defining the optimum plateau production target and field management strategies
  • Develop a full life-cycle field architecture
  • Applying the catchment area principle to develop the start-up and Maintain phases
  • Sectionalisation of the hydrocarbons maturation plan into projects
  • FDP execution strategy adequacy demonstration for Brownfields
  • Critical data assessment
  • FDP execution review assurance review for Greenfield and Brownfield
  • Kicking-off the 1st project


  • Introductions
  • Purpose of a Field Development Plan Execution strategy
  • Limitations and pitfalls
  • Field Development Planning systems – definition and workflow
  • Defining the stream-by-stream and utilities strategies
  • Defining the development mechanisms for each reservoir and switching criteria
  • Defining the optimum plateau production target and field management strategies
  • Develop a full life-cycle field architecture
  • Applying the catchment area principle to develop the start-up and Maintain phases
  • Sectionalisation of the hydrocarbons maturation plan into projects
  • FDP execution strategy adequacy demonstration for Brownfields
  • Critical data assessment
  • FDP execution review assurance review for Greenfield and Brownfield
  • Kicking-off the 1st project