Day 1 will begin addressing general FCCU historical development as a process technology, its place in the refining industry, and the design configurations in practice. The presentation will then deal with FCCU feed composition and quality and FCCU chemistry and catalyst details. The afternoon session will end with a discussion on fluidization and fundamentals.
Day 2 will cover the process and mechanical design aspects of the FCCU Converter. Specific design parameters and guidelines for the Regenerator will be presented in the morning, along with selected individual equipment, such as Slide Valves, Flue Gas system, Power Recovery, Wet Gas Scrubbing and Electrostatic Precipitation. The afternoon will move to the process and mechanical design of the Reactor and Stripper, including Risers, Feed Nozzles and Riser Termination technologies.
Day 3 will discuss the downstream Main Fractionator and Gas Concentration sections of the FCCU for distilling and purifying the Reactor vapour effluent products. This includes operation and control of the Main Fractionator heat and pressure balances, Wet Gas Compressor, Absorbers, Stripper/Dethanizer, Debutanizer, Depropanizer and C3 Splitter.
Day 4 morning will have a detailed discussion and example generation of the FCCU Converter heat and pressure balances. Process control and variable effects will be covered after lunch followed by start-up, shutdown, and emergency response considerations. Final questions and answers will end the training session.