
Product Blending & Optimization Training Course

Consultant/Trainer: Anwar Tatariya

The Petrogenium Product Blending & Optimization course will provide a better understanding of blending systems and typical blend tocks. In addition, it also covers numerous best practices on for maximizing product quality, ensuring stability, and minimizing give-away.


This Petrogenium training can be tailored for awareness/inexperienced staff, for intermediate and for experienced personnel, although it has originally been designed as an advanced course. Furthermore the course can be customized for a specific refinery / plant or multiple sites. The option for post-course consultancy/help-desk support is also available.

Participants may include: Product schedulers, Blend operations, Tank farm operations, Products and intermediate traders.

Learning Objectives

After completion of the course participants will have solid understanding of:
  • A better understanding of the blending system & various blend stocks in the refinery process
  • Improved the knowledge and skill about the blending rules, and compatibility of blend components
  • Understanding how to fulfill product properties to meet requirement and specifications in the market
  • How to optimize blend effectively
  • Single grade and multi-grade blend optimization


Day 1:
  • Product blending overview
  • Blending systems – batch, continuous and in-line
  • Product specifications
  • Property blending correlations:
    • Linear, non-linear and derived (pre-blend and post-blend) property correlations
  • Quality giveaway
  • Blend components and typical properties

Day 2:
  • Blend optimization objectives:
    • Component cost vs product price
    • Minimize giveaway
    • Adherence to planning targets
  • Blend optimization:
    • Single batch optimization
    • Multi batches / multi grades optimized together
    • Correction batch optimization
  • Additives
  • Key product blending software