Day 1
- Kick off, introductions, course objectives and expectations
- Process Safety versus personal safety; history of process safety developments and industry major incidents
- Process safety Management Processes including risk management
- Hazard identification, Bowtie, LOPA, ALARP, Hierarchy of Controls, process safety Critical Elements, Activities, Positions
- Group Exercise
Day 2
Codes and standards for Safe Design, active protection
- Safe Design: pressure and temperature
- Overpressure protection, flare systems
- Overtemperature protection: emergency depressuring
- Material selection and degradation
Day 3
Continue active protection, Passive protection / escalation control
- Safeguarding Instrumented Functions
- Release Detection Systems, ROV, TSO
- Fire protection
- Area Classification/ATEX/Site Lay out
- Exercise (optional)
- Safeguarding Memorandum
Day 4
Static electricity, reactive hazards, fire and explosions
- Static electricity
- Reactive hazards
- Flammability, Ternary Diagrams
- Exercise(s)
- Types of fires/explosions (VCE, BLEVE, Flash, Pool), dispersion, toxicity
- Process and Operational Safety/MOC/Transient conditions
Day 5
Management of Change, Process safety culture
- MOC exercise(s) – Risk Screening Form
- Getting the right Process Safety Culture
- Process Safety Fundamentals
- Measuring the health process safety: leading, lagging indicators (pyramid)
- Process Safety Reviews
- Discussion of client specific subject(s)