Special Problems for Operator Response Training (SPORT)

Consultant/Trainer: Jan Zander

Petrogenium developed the SPORT package (Special Problems for Operator Response Training) that consists of interactive training sessions to improve the insight and skills of operators with respect to their own operating units.

The feedback obtained during the training sessions can be used as input to a Vulnerability Analysis of the relevant utility units.

The training sessions are face-to-face and highly interactive with relevant scenarios and questions that aim to actively engage operators, technologists, and engineers involved with the utility units, Management of Change (MOC) and maintenance planning.


The target participants of a SPORT session are the operators of the Utility Shifts.

Each shift will receive a full day (8-hour) training session. Furthermore, the sessions may be interesting for Utility Technologists and Engineers involved with the operation and maintenance of these units.

The expected number of operators is maximum 20 per session.

For each session it is important to have a utility technologist present who will assist with the understanding of the facilities in question, and who will help to collect any feedback from the sessions.

Learning Objectives

The main objective of this Petrogenium Special Problems for Operator Response Training is to develop the expertise of the operators. One way to improve the reliability and safety of utility units is by elevating the competencies of operators. However, technologists and engineers also find this training session of significant use.

For Operators:
  1. Threat identification
  2. Tasks connected to threat
  3. Knowledge about the units
  4. Optimal response / When to intervene
For Technologists / Engineers / Managers:
  1. Threat identification
  2. Issues will be raised in SPORT session
  3. Reconnection with the risks & threats in utilities
  4. Knowing the challenges the operators have to deal with.
The 1-day course is equal to 8 hours of training. Typically, it includes the sections on Water pretreatment, Demineralization plant, Water & Steam, Cooling Water Mechanical, Cooling Water Chemical, Instrument Air, Fuel & Combustion.

The days reserved for on-site Preparation, Technology Issues and Vulnerability Assessment will need to be supported by the Technology department. For the Vulnerability Assessment additional interviews may need to be conducted with key disciplines, such as Technology, Inspection, Maintenance, Rotating Equipment and Electrical.


The 1-day course is equal to 8 hours of training. Typically, it includes the sections on Water pretreatment, Demineralization plant, Water & Steam, Cooling Water Mechanical, Cooling Water Chemical, Instrument Air, Fuel & Combustion.

The days reserved for on-site Preparation, Technology Issues and Vulnerability Assessment will need to be supported by the Technology department. For the Vulnerability Assessment additional interviews may need to be conducted with key disciplines, such as Technology, Inspection, Maintenance, Rotating Equipment and Electrical.