The course provides in-depth practical understanding of major proven heat exchanger technologies and “state of art” fouling mitigation technologies. Pro’s and Con’s of several heat exchanger types are presented explained with life operational examples. This course provides a good mix of theory and common practices using highly interactive case studies where attendees are encouraged to use in-house heat exchanger type selection software and rigorous design/rating world-class software from HTRI.
This Petrogenium course can be tailored for awareness/inexperienced staff, for intermediate and for experienced personnel. Furthermore the course can be customized for a specific refinery, plant or unit. The option for post-course consultancy/help-desk support is also available.
Participants could include a wide range of Technical Professionals but will greatly benefit:
Engineers in disciplines Process, Mechanical, Project acting as specialist or generalist
Design Specialist in heat exchanger to extend their knowledge HTRI specific
Engineers in various disciplines; Maintenance, Turn-Around, & Cost Estimating
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to perform or become:
Proper Heat Exchanger Selection
Heat Exchanger sizing
Active Communicator during Meetings with Vendors
Better observer during final inspection of heat exchangers